opoSoM: A Modular Measurement Platform for Dynamic Power Consumption of SoCs


  • Kristóf Kanics Graz University of Technology
  • Meinhard Kissich Graz University of Technology
  • Gerhard Wirrer Infineon Technologies AG
  • Tobias Scheipel Graz University of Technology
  • Marcel Baunach Graz University of Technology


System-on-Chip, measurement, supply voltage, power consumption, side-channel attacks


Software can have a significant impact on the electrical characteristics of the executing integrated circuit. The analysis of minor current consumption changes in a System-on-Chip reveals details about the executed instructions or the hardware’s internal logic, potentially exposing sensible information. Despite careful design, glitches pose a further challenge that needs to be handled at hardware and software level.

This paper introduces the concept of the open-source, modular opoSoM measurement platform that captures the dynamic power characteristics of System-on-Chips featuring external and on-chip measurement techniques. Due to the configurable measurement range and synchronous sampling at up to 250 MS/s, the platform provides valuable measurement data for investigating countermeasures against side-channel attacks and optimizing hardware and software towards lower dynamic power consumption.


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How to Cite

Kanics, K., Kissich, M., Wirrer, G., Scheipel, T., & Baunach, M. (2024). opoSoM: A Modular Measurement Platform for Dynamic Power Consumption of SoCs. WiPiEC Journal - Works in Progress in Embedded Computing Journal, 10(2). Retrieved from https://www.wipiec.digitalheritage.me/index.php/wipiecjournal/article/view/58