Immersive Environments with Haptic Technology for the Control of an Industrial Robotic Arm


  • Wilman Paucar Ingeniería Electrónica, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
  • Gustavo Caiza Ingeniería Electrónica, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
  • William Oñate Ingeniería Electrónica, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
  • Morelva Saeteros Institute of Technology, University of Deusto


Senso Glove, Mitsubishi RV-2AJ Robotics Arm, Internet of Things, Unity


The technological advancement of Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things has brought significant changes and benefits to the industry, allowing observation, control, and decision-making in industrial processes from anywhere in the world and in real-time. This article presents the power of a Mitsubishi RV-2AJ Industrial Robotic Arm using haptic technology "Senso Glove" and real-time 3D visualization, enabling users to interact and control the arm's movements. For the implementation, data is processed in Unity and sent to the "Firebase" cloud, where this data is requested by an embedded system to subsequently be converted into commands for arms control, specifically in the coordinates "X", "Y", "Z," and in the opening or closing of the gripper. The results demonstrated that the arm can be controlled from the gloves, opening various applications. Additionally, an accuracy of 87.8% was achieved in the conducted tests, with an average communication time of 815 milliseconds.


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How to Cite

Paucar, W., Caiza, G., Oñate, W., & Saeteros, M. (2024). Immersive Environments with Haptic Technology for the Control of an Industrial Robotic Arm. WiPiEC Journal - Works in Progress in Embedded Computing Journal, 10(2). Retrieved from