Development of a Firearms and Target Weapons Recognition and Alerting System Applying Artificial Intelligence
Deep learning, convolutional neural networks, algorithm, YOLOAbstract
Nowadays, surveillance systems that make use of security cameras are indispensable to ensure the protection and security of companies and organizational entities. These systems operate through monitoring by trained individuals. The progress of a system that uses artificial intelligence to identify and recognize firearms and knives is based on the implementation of machine learning techniques and real-time image and video analysis. The main goal is to increase public safety by accurately and quickly detecting the presence of weapons in various environments. The purpose of this research is to improve public safety through the early detection of threats and more effective responses by security forces. To achieve this, convolutional neural networks have been used. During the development of the system, a database has been created using images and videos containing firearms or knives, based on the "You Only Look Once" (YOLO) algorithm, particularly YOLOv5s.
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