Towards Real-time Object Detection for Safety Analysis in an ML-Enabled System Simulation
RTOD for Safety Analysis in an ML-Enabled System Simulation
collaborative robot, object detection, simulation, machine learning, risk analysisAbstract
Machine learning (ML)-equipped critical systems such as collaborative artificial intelligence systems (CAISs), where humans and intelligent robots work together in a shared space are increasingly being studied and implemented in different domains. The complexities of these systems raise major concerns for safety risks because decisions for controlling the dynamics of the robot during the interaction with humans must be done quickly driving the detection of potential risks in form of collision between a robot and a human operator using information obtained from sensors such as camera or LIDAR. In this work, we explore and compare the performance of two You Only Look Once (YOLO) models - YOLOv3 and YOLOv8 - which rely on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for real-time object detection in a case study collaborative robot system simulation example. The preliminary results show that both models achieve high accuracy (≥ 98%) and real-time performance albeit requiring a GPU to run at such speed as 40FPS. The results indicate the feasibility of real-time object detection in a CAIS simulation implemented with CoppeliaSim software.
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