Tapping in a Remote Vehicle’s onboard LLM to Complement the Ego Vehicle’s Field-of-View


  • Malsha Ashani Mahawatta Dona University of Gothenburg
  • Beatriz Cabrero-Daniel University of Gothenburg
  • Yinan Yu Chalmers University of Technology
  • Christian Berger University of Gothenburg


Pedestrian Detection, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS), Large Language Models, Generative AI, Vehicle-to-Vehicle, V2V


Today’s advanced automotive systems are turning into intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), bringing com- putational intelligence to their cyber-physical context. Such systems power advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) that observe a vehicle’s surroundings for their functionality. However, such ADAS have clear limitations in scenarios when the direct line-of-sight to surrounding objects is occluded, like in urban areas. Imagine now automated driving (AD) systems that ideally could benefit from other vehicles’ field-of-view in such occluded situations to increase traffic safety if, for example, locations about pedestrians can be shared across vehicles. Current litera- ture suggests vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) via roadside units (RSUs) or vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication to address such issues that stream sensor or object data between vehicles. When considering the ongoing revolution in vehicle system architectures towards powerful, centralized processing units with hardware accelerators, foreseeing the onboard presence of large language models (LLMs) to improve the passengers’ comfort when using voice assistants becomes a reality. We are suggesting and evaluating a concept to complement the ego vehicle’s field- of-view (FOV) with another vehicle’s FOV by tapping into their onboard LLM to let the machines have a dialogue about what the other vehicle “sees”. Our results show that very recent versions of LLMs, such as GPT-4V and GPT-4o, understand a traffic situation to an impressive level of detail, and hence, they can be used even to spot traffic participants. However, better prompts are needed to improve the detection quality and future work is needed towards a standardised message interchange format between vehicles.


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How to Cite

Ashani Mahawatta Dona, M., Cabrero-Daniel, B., Yu, Y., & Berger, C. (2024). Tapping in a Remote Vehicle’s onboard LLM to Complement the Ego Vehicle’s Field-of-View. WiPiEC Journal - Works in Progress in Embedded Computing Journal, 10(2). Retrieved from https://www.wipiec.digitalheritage.me/index.php/wipiecjournal/article/view/70